Recap of annual meeting on june 2nd

Our Annual Congregational Meeting was held on Sunday, June 2nd. During the meeting, our Bylaws were updated and approved, Pastor's

Terms of Call were presented and approved, and new church officers were elected to our Board of Deacons, Elders, and Nominating Committee.

Please thank our outgoing deacons and elders for their service: Cristina Coe, Debbie Westerfield, Ken Seeley, Mark Gupton, Kelly Miller, Shannon Rohrer, and Scott Thompson.

Please welcome to the Board of Deacons: Joan Jones, Paul Dixon, Scott Haney, Sue Holloway, and Kelly Mako.

Please welcome to the Board of Elders: Stacy Edwards-Adrian, Michael Purvis, Ryan Vargas, Kim Vasquez, and Sally Wiger.

Click here for Elder, Deacon, & Nominating Committee candidate bios.

Click here for the new and approved Bylaws and transition plan for going to 12 Elders over the next 3 years.

Click here for the Annual Report.

state of the church - may 2024

Dear StoneBridge Friends and Family,


On June 2nd at 10:05am, you are invited to our annual Congregational Meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to approve pastoral terms of call, approve revisions to the StoneBridge bylaws, and elect new elders, deacons and a Congregational Nominating Committee for 2024-25.


Over the past year, StoneBridge settled into a rhythm. Much of the year looked like the year before. Our worship services remained consistent, our fellowship events were consistent, and our various programs were consistent. Given the uncertainty of the years before, consistency has felt nice.


Our Children's Ministry hosted StoneBridge Day Camp, which was a week of fun and exciting games and Bible stories for 110 children from our community. Stephanie Leedy and Ryan Joslin organized and hosted multiple fellowship events, like Black Night Mystery Night, Quizmas, the Easter Egg Hunt, and a Fall Kick-off, that gave us space to gather and celebrate as a church community. Through Local Missions, we supported Sarah's House, James Storehouse, and Samaritan Center. In our worship services, Pastor Jonathan reminded us of the Christians in Haiti we partner with as we raised money for them. We received new members and people were baptized.


However, while consistency has been nice, change is a part of life. Often, the Holy Spirit presents us with opportunities for change, so that we can grow. Our Elders approved a new mission statement for StoneBridge, identifying that StoneBridge is called to "Share the hope of Jesus, deepen our community in faith, and extend God's love to others." With our staffing, we experienced change as we said goodbye to Steve Malinowski and welcomed Sally Thompson and Stephanie Leedy into new roles. A search team was put together to look for a new Children's and Family Ministries Director, representing more change on the horizon. We also began hosting a Women's AA group on campus, knowing that our facilities can be used to provide refuge and healing. StoneBridge's leadership continued to test the viability of an outdoor sanctuary, knowing that there is always uncertainty with construction projects and that discerning how God wants us to use our facilities can take longer than we hope. But God is faithful and will continue to be, as we seek to use the gifts God has given us to bless others.


As we close the fiscal year, the state of StoneBridge is once again strong. I'm excited about what God has planned for our future together. I'm most excited about the people who will learn of Jesus' resurrection through us, those who will be baptized in our community, and those who will experience healing through God's work in our midst. 


Enclosed you will find the Executive Summary of the 2024-2025 Budget that was approved by our Board of Elders on April 16th and Candidate Bios for our election of Elders, Deacons, and Nominating Committee this coming Sunday.


Sincerely, Pastor Jon

Senior Pastor/Head of Staff