StoneBridge Weekly Newsletter

  • this weekend at stonebridge

    Starting this weekend, StoneBridge will be launching a new message series called JEREMIAH: Embracing Babylon. Join us as Pastor Jon shares a message titled, "The Words of Jeremiah" based on Jeremiah 1:1-10.

    Growth groups begin this weekend. It's not too late to sign up! If you're interested in joining a growth group or have any questions, click here

    Worship online: Click here

    Worship by Podcast: Click here

  • time to pray

    This Sunday, October 6th, you're invited to participate in a time of devoted prayer. Join others immediately after the 9:30am service in the worship center. This time of prayer will be focused on growth groups. Growth group leaders and hosts are invited to participate. 

  • town hall meeting

    StoneBridge will be hosting an informational meeting concerning the church’s undeveloped construction pad. The purpose of the meeting is to update the congregation about the proposed amendment to the site. This is an information-only meeting and there will be no congregational business conducted. Please join us.

  • stonebridge campus work day

    As we approach the holiday season, let's take pride in our campus!  Join us as we tidy things up and complete some light chores around the church. Grab your family members, meet us anytime, and let us know your coming by clicking here

  • member discernment

    You matter to StoneBridge! And it’s God’s desire for every believer to have a church home in which you sprout roots and grow in faith. 

    Join Pastors Jon & Jonathan for three informal and informative sessions where you can meet others who are on a similar spiritual journey as yours; learn about StoneBridge’s core beliefs and values; ask and find answers to your questions; and if you choose, become a member of our church family. 

    Click here to register. 

    Upon request, free childcare is available. 

  • hospitality

    We're looking for volunteers to help with greeting, ushering, and serving hospitality on a monthly basis. Grab a friend or your spouse and volunteer together! Click here to show your interest. 

  • News, Prayer & Praise requests

    StoneBridge will host Sheryl Toney's memorial service this Saturday at 10am. 

    Please continue to share your news, prayers, and praises so that our staff and care teams can pray for you and your family. You can email directly to or fill out a form through our website.