Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University presents practical, biblical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. Financial Peace University will show you how to eliminate debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more.
Classes meet for about an hour and a half each week for nine weeks. Dave Ramsey breaks through the financial jargon and explains how money works in a simple, easy-to-understand way. You'll actually have fun as you learn.
In the first class, Dave explains the seven Baby Steps that will guide you throughout Financial Peace University. In class two, you'll earn why it's important for spouses to communicate and work together toward success. Singles will learn the importance of accountability, and parents will find out how to teach their kids about money. In subsequent classes you'll learn the secret of developing a monthly spending plan, the truth about credit lies, and how to a plan to walk out of debt with confidence. Dave will help you figure out your best retirement plan. You'll learn how to plan for college so your kids can graduate debt free, how to win when buying or selling a home.
On average, families who participate in FPU pay off $5,300 in debt and save $2,700 in just 13 weeks, an $8,000 change in position in just 91 days.
Contact the church office for info on our next Financial Peace University.