Heart of christmas offering

One way StoneBridge Community Church, Simi Valley celebrates this holy season is through our Heart of Christmas offering. The Heart of Christmas is divided between five important agencies that impact lives all year long— ACTION, IMPACT, Front Porch Ministries, New Church Development, and The Christmas Joy Offering.

• ACTION (Area Christians Taking Initiative on Needs) is a nonprofit organization that mobilizes volunteers, churches, businesses, and agencies to help meet the needs of the less fortunate in Ventura County.

• IMPACT (International Mission Project and Cross-Cultural Training program) has sent hundreds of short-term volunteers to serve those in need in places like China, Turkey, Romania, Kenya, Uganda, Ukraine, Haiti and Honduras.

• Front Porch Ministries is a student outreach program that offers a gathering place and a “home away from home” for college and university students in San Luis Obispo.

• New Church Development offers StoneBridge Community Church an opportunity to partner with other congregations to launch and support new churches.

• The Christmas Joy Offering assists retired pastors, missionaries, and church workers who have extraordinary needs by supplementing inadequate retirement incomes and provides student scholarships.

Click this link to go directly to our online giving page. Once directed, please make a note of #givingtuesday with your donation. Thanks in advance for your generosity!