Deacon Nomination Information

If you feel called, please complete the application below by March 21st. If the Nominating Committee selects you as a potential candidate, they will follow up by phone to discuss your nomination.


StoneBridge Deacon Ministry Description

Ministry Title: Deacon

Reports to: Session

Length of Commitment: 3 years

Time Required: varies, average 8 hours per month


The Office of Deacon:

The office of Deacon as set forth in Scripture and the Presbyterian Book of Order is one of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. Persons chosen for this ministry are to be of “spiritual character, honest repute, of exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, sincere compassion and sound judgment.” (G-2.0201)

A Deacon is, by definition, most appropriately regarded as a servant to the Body of Christ. At StoneBridge Community Church, Deacons will attempt to fulfill this purpose through a variety of approaches as congregational needs are presented.

Purpose for Ministry:

• “To exhibit within the church and before the world the exemplary moral authority of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ.” Theology and Practice of Ordination to Office in the Presbyterian Church, 1992.

• To help shepherd those who seek deeper engagement in the life and ministry of StoneBridge Community Church.

• To serve as a personal connection between the services and ministries of StoneBridge Community Church and those congregants assigned to their care.

• Working in partnership and accountable to the Board of Elders, to serve the needs of our church and its community.


Deacons may assume such duties as may be delegated to them from time to time by the Session. It is the duty of deacons to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and (outside of) the community of faith. Book of Order, G-2.0201. Deacons will serve as members of a Board of Deacons, electing from among their membership a moderator, a treasurer, and other responsibilities.

Outline of Duties:

Responsible to shepherd, as assigned, families and individuals, providing support for deepening faith and engagement within our church.

  • To participate in the ongoing support of new member classes
  • Maintain contact with members through appropriate means
  • Serve as the ‘eyes and ears’ in the community alerting StoneBridge’s leadership, Congregational Care and other appropriate ministries of needs within the community

Ministry Requirements: 

  • Requires a compassionate heart with warm, caring communication and listening skills as well as the willingness to communicate and follow up in a timely manner as needed.
  • Requires ordination as a Deacon in the Presbyterian Church as well as church membership at StoneBridge Community Church. Have the time to attend scheduled meetings and trainings, including but not limited to monthly Deacon’s Board meetings, and New Members classes.

Deacons: The Ministry of Compassion and Service - Applicable sections of the PCUSA Book of Order 2013-2015

G-2.0104 Gifts and Qualifications

To those called to exercise special functions in the church —deacons, ruling elders, and teaching elders - God gives suitable gifts for their various duties. In addition to possessing the necessary gifts and abilities, those who undertake particular ministries should be persons of strong faith, dedicated discipleship, and love of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel in the church and in the world. They must have the approval of God’s people and the concurring judgment of a governing body of the church.

G-2.0201 Deacon Defined

The ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is on of compassion, witness, and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress. Person of spiritual character, honest repute, exemplary lives, brotherly and sisterly love, sincere compassion, and sound judgment should be chosen for this ministry.

G-2.0202 Under Authority of the Session

Deacons may be individually commissioned or organized as a board of deacons. In either case, their ministry is under the supervision and authority of the session. Deacons may also be given special assignments in the congregation, such as caring for members in need, handling educational tasks, cultivating liberality in giving, collecting and disbursing monies to specific persons or causes, or overseeing the buildings and property of the congregation. Deacons shall assume other duties as may be delegated to them by the session, including assisting with the Lord’s Supper. (W-3.3616).

Should you have further questions, feel free to contact the Chair of the Nominating Committee or any of StoneBridge’s pastors listed below:

Geoff Curtis, click here to email or call 805-312-3185

Pastor Jon, click here to email or call 805-526-5475

Pastor Jonathan, click here to email or call 805-526-5475

Elder Nomination Information

If you feel called, please complete the application below by March 21st. If the Nominating Committee selects you as a potential candidate, they will follow up by phone to discuss your nomination.

StoneBridge Elder Ministry Description

SBCC Elder Ministry Description Ministry Title: Ruling Elder

Reports to: Moderator of Session and works with Ministry Staff

Length of Commitment: 3 years

Time Required: Time will vary however Session members should plan on spending an average of four hours per week in ministry and a minimum of two evening meetings during the month.   

The Session is organized by the following Ministry committees. If elected, you would serve on one of these for a term beginning July 1, 2022.   

  • Adult Ministries
  • Buildings & Grounds
  • Children & Family Ministries
  • Congregational Care
  • First & Lasting Impressions
  • Global Missions
  • Growth Groups
  • Local Missions
  • Personnel & Administration
  • Student & Family Ministries
  • Worship Arts   

Purpose of the Ministry:

To work with the teaching elders to provide spiritual leadership for the church and community. Ruling elders lead the people in prayer, spiritual growth, obedience to the scriptures and equipping the laity for ministry. Ruling elders work with staff in vision casting, planning and implementing the ministry of StoneBridge, establishing accountability and/or giving ministry objectives and participating in session meetings once/month and ministry meetings once/month.   

Typical Duties: 

  • Provides spiritual leadership for the congregation. Models the life of discipleship of our Lord Jesus Christ, both in the body of StoneBridge and in the community of Simi Valley. Ruling elders shall be consistently participate in corporate worship.   
  • Assists staff in ministry vision casting, planning and implementing ministries. Meets with staff to review ministry accomplishment vs. plan and assists in charting a course of action to meet ministry objectives.   
  • As a priority and as a spiritual leader, prays regularly for our teaching elders, staff and ministries. Also participates in congregational and specific prayer meetings for our people. There will be one regularly scheduled Session meeting per month.   
  • Participates in session meetings to discuss, discern and vote on ministry and governance issues. Picks up and reviews materials in advance in order to maximize discussions and meeting time.   
  • According to S.H.A.P.E. for ministry may be asked to provide leadership in teaching, praying, growth groups.   
  • Assists the pastors in administration of the sacraments, communion and baptism.   

The Office of Ruling Elder – Applicable sections of the PCUSA Book of Order 2013-2015   

G-2.0102 Ordered Ministries   

The Church’s ordered ministries described in the New Testament and maintained by this church are deacons, teaching elders and ruling elders. These ministries are gifts to the church to order its life so that the ministry of the people of God may flourish. The existence of these ordered ministries in no way diminishes the importance of the commitment of all members to the total ministry of the church.   The government of this church is representative, and the right of God’s people to elect elders and deacons is inalienable. Therefore, no person can be placed in any ordered ministry in a congregation or council of the church except by election of that body.   Ordination to ministry of teaching elder, ruling elder or deacon is unique to that order of ministry.  

G-2.0104 Gifts and Qualifications   

A. To those called to exercise special functions to the church-deacons, ruling elders and teaching elders-God gives suitable gifts for their various duties. In addition to possessing the necessary gifts and abilities, those who undertake particular ministries should be persons of strong faith, dedicated discipleship and love of Jesus Chris as Savior and Lord. Their manner of life should be a demonstration of the Christian gospel in the church and in the world. They must have the approval of God’s people and the concurring judgment of a governing body of the church.  B. Standards for ordained service reflect the church’s desire to submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life (F-1.02). The council responsible for ordination and/or installation (G-2.0402; G-2.0607; G-3.0306) shall examine each candidate’s calling, gifts, preparation and suitability for the responsibilities of ordered ministry. The examination shall include, but not be limited to, a determination of the candidate’s ability and commitment to fulfill all requirements as expressed in the constitutional questions for ordination and installation (W-4.4003). Councils shall be guided by Scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.   

G-2.0105 Freedom of Conscience   

It is necessary to the integrity and health of the church that the persons who serve it in ordered ministries shall adhere to the essentials of the Reformed faith and policy as expressed in this Constitution. So far as may be possible without serious departure from these standards, without infringing on the rights and views of others and without obstructing the constitutional governance of the church, freedom of conscience with respect to the interpretation of Scripture is to be maintained. It is to be recognized, however, that in entering the ordered ministries of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A), one chooses to exercise freedom of conscience with certain bounds. His or her conscience is captive to the Word of God as interpreted in the standards of the church so long as he or she continues to seek, or serve in, ordered ministry. The decision as to whether a person has departed from essentials of Reformed faith and policy is made initially by the individual concerned but ultimately becomes the responsibility of the council in which he or she is a member.   

G-2.0301 Ruling Elder Defined   

As there were in Old Testament times elders for the government of the people, so the New Testament church provided persons with particular gifts to share in discernment of God’s Spirit and governance of God’s people. Accordingly, congregations should elect persons of wisdom and maturity of faith, having demonstrated skills in leadership and being compassionate in spirit. Ruling elders are so named not because they “lord it over” the congregation (Matt. 20:25), but because they are chosen by the congregation to discern and measure its fidelity to the Word of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life. Ruling elders, together with teaching elders, exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of the congregation as well as the whole church, including ecumenical relationships. When elected by the congregation, they shall serve faithfully as members of the session. When elected as commissioners to higher councils, ruling elders participate and vote with the same authority as teaching elders, and they are eligible for any office.   

Should you have further questions, feel free to contact the Chair of the Nominating Committee or any of StoneBridge’s pastors listed below:

Geoff Curtis, click here to email or call 805-312-3185

Pastor Jon, click here to email or call 805-526-5475

Pastor Jonathan, click here to email or call 805-526-5475

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