Register your family below (free and will take 15 seconds)
Make sure you have a Facebook account and you’re following the StoneBridge Community Church Page
Make sure you have a device that can post pictures and videos. When you complete a challenge tag @stonebridgekids so we can find your pictures.
Tune in on Saturday April 4, 4pm (bonus points awarded to families who have a team uniform…the crazier, the better!)
All members of the family need to be in the photo or video, excluding one family member who is taking the picture/video.
This is all about speed. The first 3 families to complete the challenge will receive full point value. Fourth and higher will receive ¾ credit.
Once the next challenge begins, photos & videos from the previous challenges will no longer be counted.
Your team will receive 100 bonus points if you have a team uniform. Get creative (superheros, inside family jokes, themes, Trunk or Treat costume)
First, second, and third place winners will be determined at the end of the competition based on points.