off-campus meeting guidelines

StoneBridge Reopening – Phase 1

StoneBridge Guidelines for Off-Campus Meetings

StoneBridge Community Church desires to strike a balance between bolstering the congregation’s sense of community while encouraging its health and safety. The following guidelines are intended to equip Growth Groups, At Home Worship gatherings, StoneBridge Christian Recovery, ALPHA, and all other related ministry meetings. These guidelines have been developed as closely as possible to State Stay at Home Orders, CDC recommendations and the Ventura County Health Officer’s most updated mandates as of Tuesday, June 16, 2020.


Attendees / Participants

  • Before any gathering, perform a personal health check at home. Please do not attend a StoneBridge off-campus meeting if you have symptoms, such as a frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, or if you or someone you live with have been diagnosed with Covid-19.
  • Frequently wash hands or use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol.
  • Meet with the same group and minimize contact with different individuals.
  • Children are to remain in the care of their parents.
  • Limit or avoid touching, i.e. hand holding, shaking hands.

Off-Campus Hosts

  • Your off-campus, in-person group cannot be larger than 10 people, total.
  • When meeting, please physical distance from other persons outside your household by at least 6 feet.
  • Hold your in-person meeting outside whenever possible. If held inside, the interior space should be well ventilated and face coverings used by all members.
  • Face coverings are strongly recommended inside and outside. Face coverings do not replace the need for physical distancing. When you wear a face mask it must: cover the nose and mouth; wash or sanitize hands before and after adjusting face coverings; and avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Limit time of meetings as much as possible. One hour or less is recommended.
  • Meet with the same group and minimize contact with different individuals.
  • Avoid touching, i.e. hand holding, shaking hands.
  • Avoid serving food.
  • Allocate one bathroom for attendees. It is recommended that sanitizing wipes or spray be available to wipe down surfaces after each use and offer paper towels for drying hands.
  • Meeting attendance must be taken and reported to church leadership after each meeting.

In order for groups to officially meet off campus, group leader(s) will need to acknowledge that they have received the document and will share these guidelines with group participants. 

Participants will acknowledge compliance with all guidelines and leaders will sign, date and return a copy to the church office.

To download a copy of this document, please click here.